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1. Teach English lessons as usual
fluency joins video calls and analyzes the learners' English speaking
2. Feedback on spoken English
AI comments on pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, and more.
Teachers can always override the AI.

3. Track Progress
fluency provides a centralized database of your clients' progress.
With fluency, lesson providers will

Increase revenue
Market AI as a differentiation factor from competitors

Improve retention
More thorough quality assurance at a lower cost

Help clients more
Deliver unbiased,
data-driven feedback
Yuta, Japan
(School Admin)
"I’m very happy with these opportunities to add value to our classes."
Lila, France
“You should charge us more!”
Kate, Mexico
"Wow, I didn't know that I make these mistakes."

Join our waitlist to be the first to use fluency
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